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primi piatti

- Bavette with ham and Gallinacci

You clean well the mushrooms, you wash them, cut them to slices, therefore throw them in a big saucepan (what can also contain the pasta), where you will already have made to brown the butter with the minced garlic. You make flavor for 10 minutes, then you united the ham cut to dice; wet with the brandy, salty, peppery and spicy with a little bit of nutmeg. You cook, to moderate flame, for 20 minutes around. In the meantime, you set to the fire a container with the salty water to boil the bavettes: not as soon as water will boil, throw you the pasta, drain her/it to the tooth and moved her/it to the saucepan of the mushrooms. Mixing very well all the ingredients, uniting three spoons of grated parmesan cheese and the fontina cut to thin slices. You serve warm.
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